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Treatment is obviously a crucial dimension of healing...

Once this dimension is clear, you will know which side of it you want to be on...

Clinical Theory makes it easy to remember with 5 S's:

  • Surgery
  • Suppression
  • Substitution
  • Support
  • Stimulation

With the higher level treatments of support and stimulation, we increase the quantum energy of the body...

Supporting restoration of the photoenergetic regulatory mechanisms is the key to how we have experienced so many healings over the years...

These have included restoration of vision in blinding eye diseases, getting out of a wheelchair and walking again instead of dying...

Healing of mitral valve prolapse, and of spinal curvature... in 80 year olds...

Treatment in conventional medicine is often limited to the 'dark side.'

That is, surgery, suppressive drugs, and high dose hormonal substitution therapy...

All of which tend to decrease the vital force...

That leaves out the gentler, more healing modalities that stimulate the body to heal itself, support the body's innate healing functions, and sometimes provide some gentle substitution therapy along with support and stimulation to help tired organs restore their design function...


Surgery is by definition controlled damage.

It is typically an admission of defeat.

Very few of us are born with an organ excess...

Or a deficiency of stents and bypasses...

Certainly surgery can be life saving as well...

Trauma care is a remarkable advance in medicine...

But who can say they would hope to benefit from more surgeries?

Only two surgical procedures have been subjected to controlled trials, and both failed to perform any better than the placebo effect with a sham surgery...

Those two operations were orthoscopic knee surgery, and open-heart surgery...

In my decades as an eye doctor and a healer, I have helped thousands of people avoid the need for surgeries...

In one fascinating case, our remote client was in the emergency room some 6,000 miles away when we got the call to perform a remote Biofield Analysis...

By the time the remote testing was complete, her condition had improved so fully that there was no need to go forward with surgery to unblock her small intestine, which she had needed several times previously...


Suppression is the function of toxic levels of medical therapy.

The safest way to use many Rx medications is to carry them in your pocket, e.g. in a plastic bag...

Most people who use Caffeine/Ergot drugs for Migraine find that when they do this they do not get headaches. 

If they carry the meds in their purse or briefcase, however, they do...

I find that 85% of the healing effect of a therapy is energetic.

The healing is the body's response to the quantum energetic signal from the remedy...

So, when possible, avoid the side effects, and wear your meds...


Substitution therapy is common with hormones, such as Thyroid and the sex hormones...

Insulin is another prominent example.

High dose substitution therapy does the job of the endocrine gland, and signals the pituitary, the master regulator of daytime glandular function that there is no need to stimulate the gland to work...

If you don't use it, you won't get it to restore function...

Low levels of substitution therapy such as non prescription adrenal hormones (at low dose) can support restoration of function by taking a little stress off the demand on the gland.

All glandular tissue can regenerate, but it needs a chance to develop enough reserve energy in the cells to make 2 healthy cells from one (in Phase 3 terrain, remember)...

Support from cofactors, like Vitamin C which keeps adrenal hormones active longer, is important, too...


Support is nourishment.

Support is simply supplying the body what it needs to maintain or restore health...

Ongoing support is essential.

An important part of support is having the social network to support your healing process...

And having the means to access the remedies, the therapies, and the professional guidance you need.


Stimulation is like exercise...

It comes in many forms.

It can be botanicals, which are an important aspect of support as well...

We all suffer from fundamental nature deficiency these days.

Even the organic produce we get is woefully deficient in phytochemicals compared to heirloom varieties grown in the soil of healthier times...

Homeopathy is stimulatory...

Light therapies like Near Infrared (NIR), Far Infrared (FIR) and Syntonics are stimulation therapies...

Microcurrent and PEMF are also stimulatory...

Don't worry, we'll get into the details of specific modalities in Clinical Praxis™.

Here's an introduction to one of our favorite stimulatory systems of medicine: Information...

© Copyclaim 2023

Remedy Match LLC, DBA Healing Oasis

[email protected]

PO Box 126 Hilo, Hawai'i-Kingdom [96721]

+1 (808) 217-9647

[*"The statements herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease."] T.D.C.