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I'm much more interested in your actual Outcome than trying to predict the future with a Prognosis...

Health Outcome...

Self Healing is by its nature a very personal proposition...

No two people, even given the same diagnosis and the same intervention, will likely have the same capacity to respond...

Because we have different genetic and epigenetic inheritance, different past health histories, and different strengths and weaknesses.

The quality of the body's response to a well selected treatment plan reveals something very characteristic of the individual's unique state of flexibility and adaptability...

This is one of the key dimensions of health.

We call it Regulation...

The greatest beauty of Regulation is understanding that it is another dimension of health that can itself be healed.

Regulation is the flexibility of your adaptability...

As your Regulation Level increases, your response to doing what is ultimately good for you will improve...

Level 1: Blocked

If you establish a great exercise routine to feel healthier and more energetic, but you just don't feel any better... that's Blocked Regulation.

Something stands in the way of getting the results you would normally expect...

If you go on a diet to lose a few extra pounds, and the weight just doesn't change, that's also an example of Blocked Regulation...

If you decided to try some Complementary Medicine like Acupuncture or Homeopathy, and you went to a good, well-recommended practitioner but didn't feel any benefit... or any change at all... that could also be due to something being blocked within your body's ability to respond...

Blocked Regulation is not the most difficult state to experience, but it IS the most challenging to overcome...

The fundamental problem with being stuck in Blocked Regulation is that doing exactly what is needed to heal yourself and ultimately release the state of blockage will not have any immediately apparent result.

It takes persistent right action over time without apparent reward along the way...

Understanding the nature of the situation helps motivate the sustained action along the correct course for healing to eventually become observable...

In this case, it is most essential to have access to accurate guidance in the selection of therapies, and for the regular monitoring of progress, despite the lack of change in subjective symptoms or objective clinical findings...

Level 2: Negative

Negative Regulation is when we feel worse on the way to getting better...

In medicine, the Herxheimer reaction is a well-known symptom of die off, when pathogens begin to release their endotoxins into our body.

Another related process is Cleansing Reactions, where the immune system is mobilizing toxins that have been stored in the tissues.

We feel old symptoms return temporarily when stored toxins start moving through our circulation on their way out of the body.

Healing Crisis is an age-old phenomenon, and this even includes thousands of cases of Spontaneous Remission, where cancer is gone in a few days with a fever and bacterial infection...

It is crucial to understand negative regulation, because when we are in it we feel very symptomatic...

Symptoms are an expression of the body's intelligent response to stressors and imbalances.

We can feel better either by stopping the body's purposeful responses, or by supporting them to achieve completion...

In many cases, it was stopping body symptoms with suppressive medications that led to the state of blockage in the first place, so it is very helpful to avoid as much pharmaceutical use as possible in order to help yourself break free of a blocked state...

When you finally break out of Blocked Regulaiton, your body's detoxification systems will probably be working overtime to eliminate whatever it was that had been blocking your physiological pathways...

This symptomatic response to having something irritating or toxic moving through your lymphatic and vascular system is sometimes called a Cleansing Reaction or a Healing Crisis. 

If it is in response to some kind of anti-biotic therapy, anti-parasitic treatment or anti-fungal program, it can be related to the die-off of the pathogens...

In that case it may be called a Herxheimer Reaction...

Pathogens tend to accumulate toxins like heavy metals, and sometimes even produce their own endotoxins...

When these organisms die off rapidly, the release of toxins into your body environment can overwhelm the immune system and elimination pathways enough to produce a temporary increase of symptoms.

The symptoms can be almost anything, depending on the type of toxins and their location in the body, but flu-like reactions are common...

In general, Negative Regulation is indicated when a well selected remedy or healing therapy produces an initial flare up in one or more symptoms.

It can be an increase in a symptom that is already present, or it can be a different symptom pattern.

It is always helpful to consider if it is a symptom that you have experienced at some point in your past history...

This can be an indication of Retracing, which means your body is revisiting an old issue that was never completely healed...

Your progress through an old symptom like this that has been reactivated will typically be much quicker that it was in the past, because your body now has the healing support it always needed to complete the process.

Level 3: Mixed

Mixed Regulation means that while some of your symptoms are still aggravated by a bit of a Healing Crisis or Cleansing Reaction, other symptoms are actually beginning to resolve and decrease...

Level 4: Positive

Positive Regulation just feels like life is normal again...

When you do something that you know should be good for you, you feel better...

It might take a little time and effort, but the results come along, and without the suffering and distress...

Level 5: Optimum

Optimum Regulation feels much like Positive Regulation, only better, faster and easier...

You now have access to accurate and immediate feedback from your body and your mind about how your life choices are affecting you...

This allows you to navigate life situations, make choices and learn quickly...

For decades, we have had a quotation on our wall to remind us of our healing mission:

“The power of nutrition enables one to exercise the senses, and from sensory experience the intellect gains concepts, and so the will is freed to choose.”

These remarkable words from the Summa Theologica come to us by the hand of the medieval theologian and Doctor of the Church, St. Thomas Aquinas, 1225 - 1274, Canonized 1323.

The purpose of restoring Optimum Regulation is to free the soul for maximum growth...

A Presentation of the 5 Levels of Regulation on TV

Recognizing these five levels of regulation is critical when navigating our way back toward perfect health, optimum performance, increased spaciousness and enhanced spiritual growth.

Blocked regulation is by far the worst case, even though it can be asymptomatic for many years. 

For example, cancer cases often demonstrate a period of 10 or 20 years of blocked regulation prior to the shock of diagnosis. 

During that period, most people think they're the healthiest person around...

That's because their immune system lacks enough energy to cleanse the underlying causes of the cancer...

That also means it lacks enough energy to mount a good fever or flu response to the viruses that seasonally activate general tissue cleansing one or two times a year, typically as a Spring and Fall house cleaning... 

An Example of Mixed Regulation: Colors Brighter!

A client reports:

“Hi Glen, thanks for sending the remedies.

Yesterday was my first day on them.

Here is what happened:

Physically: I did not get the usual "bile" aggravation.

The typical right quadrant pain was absent yesterday, yeah!! :)

Do have a low level nausea happening around 3 am to about 6 am.

I'm ok with it - can ride it out.

Urination frequency up a little (4x last nite, normal is 1-3x) but nice change of a steady large volume of urine. I think my kidneys were smiling.

But something else happened. They seem to have blasted me into outer space of psychic impressions. Maybe its the LM value???

All day long, no matter with whom I spoke with, shook hands with, etc.

I got crystal clear impressions of them, their lives, relationships, past lives, conversations they had just had prior to, etc.

Interesting, I was able to dispense remedies "easier" yesterday.

Also, I got the past life of being a homeopath realllllly strong.

I always get that but it was different yesterday.

I did triads yesterday that I have never thought of before.

At one point I was liquifying Aconite 50M and all the sudden a doctor in a white coat was right next to me on the left.

I knew he was a homeopath but he said he couldn't tell anyone.

He then instructed me to go to 20M value.

I tested it and sure enough it was right.

Colors are a little brighter.

I'm not sure if the Mother ship will land soon or not????? :)

But for the first time in a long time - I feel one with myself and the planet I'm on.

It just doesn't matter.

I feel home.

Any thoughts?

Thank you for the thought, love and care you put into the remedies”



© Copyclaim 2023

Remedy Match LLC, DBA Healing Oasis

[email protected]

PO Box 126 Hilo, Hawai'i-Kingdom [96721]

+1 (808) 217-9647

[*"The statements herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease."] T.D.C.