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Family History doesn't have to repeat itself...

Family History

Family History, like your personal health history, is a helpful clue about the potential challenges you may face in your future...

But it doesn't have to repeat itself.

And even if it is ALREADY repeating itself, you can change the pattern.


Even though genetics are hard wired, epigenetics are not!

That means that which genes are turned on and expressed can be changed...

There are genes of health and genes of disease.

Which ones are activated and suppressed is inheritable from your past, your parents, and their parents.

We highly recommend that each client complete a once-in-a-lifetime clearing of the inherited family stress patterns...


Heavy metals cross the placenta...

In fact, they concentrate in fetal tissues at levels 24 times higher than in the maternal tissues...

All Americans also have pesticides stored in their fat tissue...

Our bodies don't even decompose in the grave because of the amount of food preservatives in our tissues.

We live in an age where we are exposed to over 70,000 chemicals that never existed for our ancestors.

Toxins block enzymes and require specific nutrients to be eliminated, so they also cause local vitamin and mineral deficiencies in the body that further impair function...

The body is always trying to cleanse and repair, cleanse and repair... rinse and repeat...

When we start out trying to build a body out of the wrong materials, it doesn't go perfectly.

When there is alcohol in the mother's system we get fetal alcohol syndrome, where the nerve cells growing in the brain never get the signal they need to stop growing at the right place...

Just the opposite happens when the developing brain is exposed to EMF (Electromagnetic Fields)...

Nerve cells get stimulated by the externally imposed artificial field, and they stop growing, never reaching the right destination to make proper neural connections in the brain...

One of my favorite things to see is a new client who is a young woman planning to have children in her future...

That's a great time to detoxify... before getting pregnant.

What a gift she is giving to her children.

For us, well, too late for that, but detoxification is always an important cycle in the healing process.

We must clean out a tissue before it can be regenerated.

And beyond cleansing the material quantities of a toxin, if it has been in the system for about 30 years or more, or if the exposure was to a parent or grandparent, cleansing the epigenetic effects of the exposure can be an essential part of the process to restore the full genetic potential for wellbeing.


Half of the toxins in human tissues are metabolites of our own hormones and neurotransmitters of stress!

Toxic or stressed organs produce unbalanced emotional states...

And stressful emotional states put a strain on their corresponding organs.

The Liver is the seat of agitation and anger...

It's yang partner, the Gall Bladder is home to frustration.

The Water Element of TCM, composed on the Kidneys and the Bladder, is stressed by fear... and stress in the kidneys can produce a state of unformed fear...

Not fear of something, but just a feeling of fear.

For a person prone to panic attacks, it is very helpful to recognize that healing the kidneys may at some point produce this kind of feeling, and that by recognizing it as part of a healing process, it can be distinguished from an actual panic attack.

This reframe prevents the fear of a panic attack from kicking in (kicking the kidneys when they are already 'down' for repair), which otherwise would tend to spiral deeper into the fear mode.

The Emperor of the emotions is the Heart. 

Emphasizing Heart centered awareness such as hope, love, joy and gratitude, as well as simply focusing the mind's attention on the space of the heart is very balancing and integrating.

Did you know that the Heart receives communication from your future self?

When slides of stress producing images like blood, fire, snakes, or spider are shown, the heart shows a stress response even before the computer selects a random number to determine which slide to show...

At first the idea seems strange.

We all thought of time as a street with a big one way sign...

Turns out, it's not that way...

In quantum dynamics, communication happens both forward and reverse time.

And the spirit body is a macroscopic quantum object.

It communicates both forward and backward in time.

So you can ask for your future self to help guide you through challenges.

Your future self is your guardian angel.

And remember those tough times you've had growing up... or growing old?

You, now, are that guardian angel for that past self.

Try it.

No one has to know...

Except you.


Stinking thinking is often something we learn early on...

We model those around us... our family.

And let's face it... none of us is perfect.

It's healthier to think of 'perfect' as a verb... a constant opportunity to correct and perfect both your areas of strength, where you shine, and your weak areas, the dark corners that will lead to trouble ahead if you don't have the foresight and take the opportunity to act when you are able...

We can test you for the most effective affirmation to use right now in your conscious healing process...

And then use biofeedback to your meridians, straight to the cellular level, with the healing frequencies that can be measured in your voice.

It's a program called EVOX (short for electronic voice) which we can do over the internet plus a phone line if you have a Windows computer...

Psychologists who use it say its about 10 times faster even than EMDR and tapping...

It's a real blessing for releasing all of our stuck places both energetically and in the realm of consciousness...

You can get started with EVOX by visiting us at WellnessWhispering.com...

I'll include here a video from my course on Peripheral Vision in relation to Thought, and one on the cycle of the 5 Elements of TCM in the development of consciousness:


Just like we learn to thing from those around us, we also model our behaviors on the examples we see...

We can't even help it if we want to...

We have mirror neurons that make it automatic... like monkey see, monkey do...

Fortunately, in humans the wiring of these learned and inherited patterns is till malleable throughout life.

There are many ways to change, and to be effective, they all require a clear head through cleansing out the toxins that have stored there, some harmony and balance in the emotions that centering in the heart can help bring about, and clearing the charge around old and inherited patterns of thought that may have been essential for survival at one time, but are now in the way of taking the right actions to break free of past limitations...

When we form an intention, we are embedding that memory as will, a transcendent function of the spirit that guides our actions...

This is a function of the Water Element of Traditional Oriental Medicine...


Through Transgenerational Perception Reframing and the technology of Infoceuticals, our clients see often subtle yet profound changes in how they react and relate to family, themselves and others... 

To illustrate the power and potential of epigenetics, consider a study of a pair of identical twins who inherited the genes for the 100% genetic blinding eye disease Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP).

People with the RP genes usually start off life with normal vision, as the disease genes are not expressing themselves yet.

In this case study, one of the twins followed the typical course of vision loss, becoming blind...

But her sister never lost her vision.

Their genes were the same...

Except for which genes were turned on, and which were turned off.

That's the power of epigenetics.

And like our other healing programs, you can do it all without having to leave home.

Since I mentioned RP, I'll include a video consult with a remote client who was blind from RP, and experienced restored vision with our program... (see below)

You may think this is a new innovation because of the recent increase in telemedicine generally, but we have actually been doing telemedicine since BEFORE there was an internet!

So you'll know you are in good, experienced hands.

Just get in touch and we'll help you get started right away.

The simplest, fastest, easiest way to do that is to visit us at WellnessWhispering.com...

Click the link to get a free lifetime account with us in the NES platform, and access to free analysis of your 10 second vocal sample...

You'll get immediate access to a 12 page interactive report of the current state of your energy system, including the top recommendations for you for Infoceuticals, which you can order from us at our online store RemedyMatch.com

Here's an introduction to the field of Infoceuticals for restoring your epigenetics of optimum health and wellbeing...

Here's the layout in Zyto EVOX for your Transgenerational Perception Reframing process...

You will complete one session on each parent and each grandparent to initiate clearing of the epigenetic inheritance of stress in your gene expression from resonance with that ancestor...

The process is very gentle, but the results are often profound.

In the voice biofeedback process, we will find out if you need to clear other more current stress patterns first, and we will be able to measure when you are ready to start your once-in-a-lifetime family constellation clearing...

This process improves your ability to respond to appropriate natural therapies...

For deeper understanding of this process, I recommend you watch my video playlist on EVOX...

You can also learn more by exploring the field of German New Medicine...

I'll post a good introductory video for you below...

The combination of EVOX and Brain Hologram Infoceuticals with our natural remedies are tremendous support for healing these causal patterns...


© Copyclaim 2023

Remedy Match LLC, DBA Healing Oasis

[email protected]

PO Box 126 Hilo, Hawai'i-Kingdom [96721]

+1 (808) 217-9647

[*"The statements herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease."] T.D.C.