Diagnosis is wrong most of the time in Western Medicine... based on autopsy studies at Harvard.
Diagnosis is a name.
It's a name for a category of dysfunction...
Healing is based on function, so that's what we focus on.
Dysfunction is like a shadow.
You can try to kill it, but you just wind up hurting yourself...
Better to shine a light.
The light we shine on the diagnostic field comes from a field of European Biological Medicine called BEV.
It stands for Bioelectronics of Vincent...
Vincent was a scientist hired by France to study the health of their water supplies.
He measured the energy characteristics of the waters, and then compared them to the common causes of death in each community...
The correlations were extremely high.
He then worked with the medical field to develop measurement of the energetic parameters of the body fluids.
It was the test he developed that saved my life.
I would have died in my 30's had his test not warned me ahead of time.
Based on my blood measures, compared to hundreds of thousands of Europeans measured over the decades, I had over a 99% risk of death from stroke before age 40.
Now, at 25 years past my expiration date, I am very grateful for that warning... which came in time to do something about it.
Many people face the realization of a health challenge when it is too late to prevent grave damage, such as from heart attack, stroke or an advanced stage cancer diagnosis...
The map of the biophysical terrains of health and disease that I draw from Vincent's groundbreaking work, is really a map of the quantum energetics in the body.
The key players are protons, electrons and photons.
And with these three parameters, we can define the quantity and quality of energy in a biological fluid mileau such as the blood.
In physics, this equation is known as the Nernst Equation.
The one energy it does not account for is that of the spirit, which is in the mileau, but not of it... yet certainly plays a crucial role in the progress of health or disease...
We also call this Phase Energize...
In this low energy terrain, also known as 'Anergy', there is no shield of living water around the cell.
That means toxins like heavy metals, and toxic DNA and RNA viruses are draw toward and into the cell...
There is not enough energy to run the cellular metabolism, including processes of cleansing and repair.
This terrain is fundamentally a Catabolic terrain, where detoxification centers on the interior of the cell and its organelles...
In Phase 1 terrain function deteriorates into chronic degenerative diseases including cancer.
In Phase 2, we see rapid aging processes, as well as infection by bacteria and parasites.
The healing direction in Phase 2 involves restoration of the cells enzyme functions, and those of the mitochondria...
Phase 2 is the terrain of Spontaneous Remission, typically accompanied by bacterial activity and a high fever.
Phase 2 healing is dominantly Anabolic.
Phase 3 is the terrain of fungal growth.
This tends to be a stable state with low metabolism...
In the healing direction, Phase 3 is the terrain of cellular regeneration.
It is also typical of the glowing state of a healthy pregnancy.
For over 30 years we have been seeing regeneration of vision in blinding eye diseases that the textbooks say are irreversible...
We have also seen healing of many other structures and functions in the body that are not expected, such as the self-healing of a mitral valve prolapse in a woman in her 80's...
This Phase is also known as Cleanse...
Phase 4 is a high energy state known as 'Allergy' which requires elimination of the excess energy...
The excess energy in this physical sense includes wastes, toxins and allergens...
The symptom might be allergies in the head area, felt in the sinuses and eyes...
But that is merely like an overflow release valve...
The underlying cause is the excess acidity, toxicity and foreign matter in the blood, not efficiently eliminated via the kidneys...
Suppressing the local expression of the immune system trying to eliminate and oxidize the irritants in the head area simply causes the body to have to store those wastes in those local tissues.
The result of use of antihistamines in this suppressive way over time is an increase in cancers of the sinus and brain.
Hence the motto "Better out than in..."
We should probably make it into a bumper sticker...
This Phase, we often call Balance...
In Phase 5, we are balanced enough in the bio-body suit that the focus is more on the mental and spiritual life...
The key stresses are life stresses like relationships, work, money, and the like... in relation to the external and social environment...
Phase 5 is also a key terrain for Endocrine issues and hormonal balance.
These Phase 5 stresses of the life of the spirit and the light body of the Chakras and endocrine glands is not exclusive to this phase, but can be visualized as an overlay over all of the other phases as well.
So, in Phase 5, it becomes more the exclusive issue, rather than another challenge on the 'to do' list...
If I contracted cancer, I would never go to a standard cancer treatment centre. Cancer victims who live far from such centres have a chance.
[Note: in one survey 90% of oncologists would not take the treatments they prescribe, nor would they give them to their own family members...]
- Professor Charles Mathe, a cancer specialist
[*"The statements herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease."] T.D.C.