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Prognosis is a real challenge to me.

The people who predict the weather don't seem to do a very good job of it, and I'm not too impressed with the medical prognostications either...

To me, the main point is that it really depends on you...

On what you do about it.

I was supposed to go blind...

I was supposed to die, too...

But I made thousands of little choices that allowed me to circumvent those prognostic certitudes.

After all the remarkable healings I've witnessed, and even experienced personally, I don't know what CANNOT be healed.

I also don't know what results YOU will achieve.

I can show you the way...

But you have to have the will to take the right actions in the face of your fears.

That is what courage FEELS like...


I knew it was time for me to retire from conventional doctoring when a Professor taught a room full of colleagues that we should prescribe steroid eye drops for patients if we knew their viral conjunctivitis would clear up in a short time no matter what we do, BECAUSE the patient is expecting us to treat it...

There were so many problems with this proposal, that my mind hardly knew where to start...

First of all, I would avoid the use of any prescription steroids if at all possible, even topicals like eye drops because I have spent my life researching the risk factors for blinding eye diseases like cataracts and glaucoma, and this is one of them!

Second, and it could easily be switched into first place, prescription steroids weaken the immune system, potentially aggravating viral conditions...

You see, our natural steroids are made by the adrenal glands, and they are the natural anti-inflammatory counter-balance to the immune system's capacity to produce inflammation.

Here's the problem:

Modern medicine is at war with the immune system.

They love steroids.

They hate inflammation because they forget that it is essential for the body to clean itself.

They see the challenges of chronic inflammation that keeps trying to dissolve toxins that never existed until now, and heavy metals that we have mined out of the earth and concentrated in our living environment...

The problem is that even if they could suppress the immune system's attempts to cleanse toxic tissue forever, it would still not remove the actual cause.

Medicine can't focus on identifying the causal toxins, because so many of them are the very pharmaceutical agents they are using...

Somewhere along the way, the old time oath "Primum non nocere" which means "First do no harm" got lost.

Most doctors are so busy they don't have time to realize what has been lost.

Emergency room physicians are so stressed to the point of breaking that their average longevity just dropped to 57.

If you do have a self-limiting illness, like a cold or flu, you are best off healing yourself.

After all, one out of three people who enter a hospital leave with another NEW disease caused by medicine.

And remember that only one out of three at best (i.e. at Harvard's Mass. General) will be treated for a disease their body actual shows any signs of on autopsy.

They are all getting toxic treatments, but 2 out of 3 are getting toxins intended for a condition they don't even have.


Somehow, we have watched so much TV and other corporate media that is predominantly sponsored by the world's most lucrative industry, Big Pharma, that when things get serious with our health, many of us think we HAVE to treat it with seriously poisonous drugs.

I even got sucked into trying this route once myself, I am almost embarrassed to admit...

I had a series of Grand Mal seizures that found me waking up in the hospital.

It was certainly a humbling experience, and I contemplated that perhaps it was God's will for me to be humble in the face of this medical challenge by seeing what the conventional approach could do for me.

I saw the one neurologist on our island, and he diagnosed it as seizures of unknown origin.

I already knew more than that about the underlying causes, but none of them INDIVIDUALLY rose to a level considered medically significant.

I tried several prescriptions, but each one was considerably worse than the intermittent seizures for me...

Then I spoke with a friend who was retired from Integrative Psychiatry, and he encouraged me to heal it myself by completing a round of oral chelation I had started prior to the onset of the seizures.

He was right, and I have been seizure free again in the years since...


Western Medicine does particularly poorly with chronic degenerative issues...

When I was 25, I was diagnosed with Glaucoma...

The Ophthalmology Professor who identified it recommended that I shouldn't treat it the conventional way...

He said that the drugs and surgeries may slow down the vision loss, but by age 50 I would still most likely be blind.

Now, I am sure he doesn't say that to other patients, but he knew who I was...

At the time, I was the top student at the top school for eye doctors, and I was well known because I was serving as President of the American Optometric Student Association, representing over 5,000 student doctors in the States, Canada and Puerto Rico...

He also apparently knew of my interest in natural medicine, because he told me I should research it and find the cure for my condition.

So I did.

And I still have my vision, 15 years past its expiration date!

The only pharmaceutical drugs I took along the way were those nasty anti-seizure meds... very briefly.

And the only surgical interventions were major dental restorations primarily to remove 14 large amalgam fillings that were poisoning me with Mercury, the most symptomatic of all the heavy metals.

Life Threatening

Along my path to saving my vision, I discovered that I was going to die of stroke in my 30's if I didn't change out all my fillings two at a time, and begin to pull out all the Mercury my body had stored up in my tissues.

You see, I was a Mercury non-excreter...

And my 14 large amalgams were all off the chart for leaching of Mercury as measured electronically by a German instrument to detect Buccal Currents...

Certain Death

Now that I have enjoyed 25 years past my prognosis of certain death, I have had many opportunities to see my clients do the same...

A recent client from the Boston area was 'given' 3 months to live with her second bout with Leukemia...

She mentioned that she was going to try some natural self-healing...

The doctor was upset by this, and said that he could prescribe chemo, but that it wouldn't work...

Nothing would work.

She should go home and get her affairs in order.

She found us and worked with us diligently...

When she was still alive at the 3 month mark, she wondered how she was doing from the conventional perspective.

When she went in to get her blood test results, she noticed the Oncologist avoided eye contact with her as she waited. 

When she was brought into the consultation room, again he avoided her, never even entering the room...

He sent in a nurse, who showed her that she was in complete remission.

© Copyclaim 2023

Remedy Match LLC, DBA Healing Oasis

[email protected]

PO Box 126 Hilo, Hawai'i-Kingdom [96721]

+1 (808) 217-9647

[*"The statements herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease."] T.D.C.