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Type #1: Errors of Observation - either limited data, or projection of belief... (read on to learn more)

Clinical Errors

Let's eliminate the 5 common clinical errors that do harm and prevent healing...

Only diseases, not errors, or treatments themselves, are reported as causes of death on death certificates.

That data then serves as the sole basis for the CDC's annual analysis of the most common causes of death.

Funding for research then naturally follows those priority 'causes' with the implicit intent to improve outcomes...

The role of errors was recently evaluated and published in the British Medical Journal.

It was noted that "...communication breakdowns, diagnostic errors, poor judgment, and inadequate skill can directly result in patient harm and death." 

Source: Medical error—the third leading cause of death in the US.   Link: BMJ 2016;353:i2139

Lissa Rankin, MD, New York Times bestselling author of Mind Over Medicine, concludes that "These errors are the outcome of a system-wide practice of prioritizing economic goals above safety goals."

In the face of systemic problems, systemic analysis and solutions are needed...

As Albert Einstein put it, “We can not solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them.”

At the same time, he is attributed with the aphorism that we should make our theories as simple as possible, and no simpler.

Our work here toward the healing of healing, is to synthesize from first principles a pluripotent clinical theory that is as simple and effective as possible...

Welcome to the Clinical Theory™... Of Everything...

You see, the problem with all our conventional theories is that they fail to answer all the important questions...

Especially the biggest questions of all...

And that's why I am on a mission to create a true Theory of Everything...

Not just a unified field Theory of Everything in quantum physics... plus gravity...

No...An Actual Clinical Theory...

A useful, practical, applicable theory in the day to day trenches of life, of health, and of recovering from damage, disability and disease...

So...Welcome to the Clinical Theory of Everything...

Where we strive to answer the big, challenging questions first...

So all the little pieces can fall coherently into place...

Where we aim to heal the age-old Cartesian divide between the material and the spiritual realms...

Because when it comes to the realities of life and of healing... Spirit Matters!

Observation: Ignorance or Projection

Whether you are a doctor or a patient, the biggest risk to your material welfare and fortune in the coming decades is your health...

The first type of medical error to consider is that of Observation...

We humans are dominantly visual beings...

And the #1 threat as you age is the loss of your vision and eye health...

Your quality of life is truly your most precious and irreplaceable asset...

And only when that quality is good does longevity multiply the benefits...

Fortunately, research shows that when you extend your lifespan, you actually experience fewer years of suffering as well...

That makes investing now in enhanced future health and wellbeing a total winner!

So why is it that urgent care doctors die at an average age of just 58 (make that 57 now)?

There is something missing from the clinical theories we have all been taught in medical school...

Actually a number of crucial somethings...

And it's awfully hard to see our own blind spots...

Tunnel vision is easy to acquire under pressure... 

And it is one of this life's great challenges to restore...

In a demanding, fast-paced world, we tend to focus mainly on achieving rapid results...

In the health care arena, the first mistake we try to avoid is errors of commission...

The clinico-legal implications can be devastating...

So the normal approach is to keep your head down...

And stick to the 'Standard of Care'...

The invisible elephant in that room, though, is that the outcomes of that approach are... Well...

Often worse than doing nothing at all...

That's why the death rate goes DOWN when conventional medicine goes on strike...

Like it did it California...Israel...And elsewhere around the globe...

What we don't see so easily is the #1 source of errors in medicine:

Errors of Observation.

The two extremes of this dimension are 

  • Limited data, and
  • Projection of belief

Every type of medical test provides a certain limited range and accuracy of data.

When measuring the material forms of the body such as anatomical structure or levels of selected components of blood chemistry we may only be observing a few of the "10,000 things" as described in Traditional Oriental Medicine...

Systems of Medicine like TCM look more to the overall flow of energies within the system to draw from a more holistic base of data in their analysis...

We cannot help but project our belief systems onto our observation of the world...

How can we even hope to see that which we do not believe is possible?

In Clinical Theory we integrate multiple medical models from East and West to allow for observation of a broader range of data types...

Our model maps a tendency to bias toward the more subtle realms of spirit, consciousness, information and energetics when looking for the underlying causality in health and disease...

Matter is moved by energy which is moved by intent...

Form is a fossil of function...

Psychoneuroimmunology and Psychosomatic medicine, such as German New Medicine, are key elements of our model...

We do not, however, neglect to consider the reverse pathway... that of somatopsychic causality.

When the Liver is stressed, you shouldn't either...

What do you think is Error Source #2?

There are four more common sources of potentially deadly error you should be thinking about...

In order to also get faster, better and safer outcomes in your healing work...​

Welcome to rethinking clinical practice...

Starting with a comprehensive Clinical Theory...

Bias: Attachment or Avoidance




Logic: Presumption or Extrapolation

Conventional Western Medicine relies heavily on logic and reasoning...

The process of diagnosis is the core process of this approach.

Differential diagnosis means ruling out potential diagnoses to identify the 'correct' label for the pattern of dysfunction presented by the patient...

Then, presumably the best treatment can follow simply by treating the named category of disease, and largely ignoring the patient themself...

The left brain can hold onto the presumption that the diagnosis is correct, and perhaps a list of potential treatments may need to be given clinical trials until one is found that adequately manages the symptoms of the disease without producing excessive side effects...

A fundamental limitation is the labeling of the symptom pattern as an entity... creates an entity in the realm of the mind and spirit... a demon.

The pattern of symptoms we label a disease has multiple causes that vary from one person with the diagnosis to every other individual given the same diagnosis...

Common logical clinical errors:

 • Presumption

 • Extrapolation

When we diagnose a disease, both doctor and patient can give that demon some of their own life energy to maintain its presence...

What we resist persists...

We suppress symptoms with toxins that must be licensed and approved by government because they do harm...

A study at Harvard Medical School's Massachusetts General Hospital performed autopsies on their patients to see how many had been treated for diseases that they had been diagnosed with.

Two thirds had a completely different disease...

So, in Western Medicine, most people are being treated with poisons intended to manage the symptoms of a completely different disease that they do not have...

What's worse is that the poisons are being selected based on population studies of OTHER people...

And this is called evidence-based medicine.

This is an error of extrapolation.

If we step back from this Western Medicine mindset for a moment, we observe that symptoms are an expression of the body's intelligent attempts to heal itself and maintain life and function given the resources and challenges at hand...

Symptoms, and therefore the 'disease' entities with label them with, are primarily effects, not causes...

Most causes are more subtle, more hidden, and often focalized at the opposite end of the body...

When we support and stimulate the body to correct and remove the causes of dysfunction, degeneration and suffering, it often heals itself.

When we suppress the downstream symptomatic effects, we merely manage the decline, often contributing to it.

5 thinking errors:

  • Formal fallacy: faulty logic
  • Informal fallacy: reasoning by extrapolation, popularity, ignorance, etc.
  • Cognitive bias: echo chamber
  • Cognitive distortion: selective interpretation to fit preformed belief
  • Self deception: ego defense by unconscious avoidance of painful truth; e.g. projection (repression of negative thoughts/feelings/motives/actions and attribution to others) and idealization (projecting wants/needs/desires onto another)

Action: Omission or Commission

Errors of Action are the fourth dimension of clinical error...

Correct action lies at the exact center of a spectrum where the two extremes are the errors of negligence and overt harm...

These are the errors of Omission and Commission...

Avoiding the error of Omission takes diligence, patient caring, and lifelong learning...

As in every aspect of life, finding the perfect, right action in medicine is not a destination we can ever quite reach except by approximation...

It is a virtue to be strived for.

Avoiding the more overt source of error: that of Errors of Commission ...is just not as simple as following the herd.

Standards of care may offer some clinico-legal safety in numbers, but spell disaster for health, happiness and other intangible qualities of life that no amount of money can ever compensate for...

For example, when a leading asthma medication was taken off the market in New Zealand...

Doctors and patients alike were worried there would be an increase in asthma deaths...

But the death rate went down...

It is time to step back from the front lines of the clinical fray for a moment...

And reconsider your Hippocratic Oath...

You remember...To "first do no harm..."

At last, the time has come...

When conventional medicine has formally acknowledged Integrative Medicine as the newest medical specialty...

So you can now incorporate more innovative and non-invasive healing modalities with greater confidence of acceptance by your peers...

Model: Oversimplification or Confusion

Modelling errors:

  • Oversimplification 
  • Confusion and complexity

Einstein famously said to make our models as simple as possible, and no simpler...

Early in the age of telecommunications, the beginning of the information age, Bell Labs famously discovered that people could manage about 7 plus or minus 2 bits of information like letters or numbers...

That's why still today, your phone number has 7 digits, and so we can all process it efficiently, it's broken down into smaller chunks of 3 and 4 digits.

In fact, when I was young, it was typically remembered by using a word and 5 numbers, so almost everyone could recall it more easily...

In developing our Clinical Theory, I have found that this quintessential pattern holds well as a fractal truth at least for a first level 


The one conventional type of error we won't model is Random Error...

Because even if true randomness did exist...

(which it doesn't, according to both Einstein and the Theory of Everything we propose in our Clinical Model...)

There would be absolutely nothing you could do about it!

In Clinical Theory...

We help you find and focus on clinical SOLUTIONS...

And I guarantee you will be surprised and delighted at the results!

P.P.S.​ I have been formulating the processes and system we are now offering to you here through 39 years of clinical practice...

And now we need your help to change how the world understands health, healing and living systems.

Welcome aboard... and welcome home...

To the medicine of the future...

The gentle and effective, natural and yet space-age medicine of the whole being: your body, mind and your spirit...

So please do get in touch, and prepare to dive deep into the ultimate integrative paradigm...

This is going to rock your world...

in the best of ways.

P.P.P.S. At one time, my IQ measured at least 26 points higher than Albert Einstein, which as far as I can tell could put me in the top 6 on the planet right now... 

So far, I have beat the statistical odds against my own death by more than 25 years, and have taught thousands of others how to beat the odds against blindness and a myriad of other challenges, frequently defying the limits of what is believed to be possible according to our medical textbooks...

I only say this because you want me on your team.

And not because I am smarter than anyone else, but because I am wise enough to know that your own innate biological intelligence is so much greater than any doctor or human mind alone can ever hope to be...

That's why my system of healing is about listening to the energetic whispers of bio-communication that your body uses to heal itself... Continually...

We just listen for what your body actually wants right now, and we give you that...


And the results speak for themselves...

I look forward to being on your wellness team...

And celebrating your successes!

© Copyclaim 2023

Remedy Match LLC, DBA Healing Oasis

[email protected]

PO Box 126 Hilo, Hawai'i-Kingdom [96721]

+1 (808) 217-9647

[*"The statements herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease."] T.D.C.