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Beyond Solid, Liquid & Gas...

States of Matter

We are all familiar with the states of matter: Solid, Liquid and Gas...

But if that was all that existed, we would not have life, we would not have light and we would not have consciousness...

Exploring the five fundamental states of matter in relation to our bodies, the microcosm of which they are so wonderfully made, and the cosmic macrocosm of which we are an integral part, is one of the key perspectives which will help open up deeper insights into the functioning, the restoration and the development of the body, the mind and the living spirit that is our true identity...

Let's take a brief tour of the States of Matter, as conventional physics would lay them out along the thermal spectrum...

But don't get stuck thinking of them as separated by this sequence, since the real action will be what I call Plasma/Condensates...

That is, the interaction between the electromagnetically dynamic Plasma, which forms cellular structures both in the cosmos and in the micro-cosmos of living systems...

And Condensates which form the magneto-electric, time-reverse double-layer boundaries between those cellular domains...

After all, temperature is just a measure of Entropy, random motion, and disconnected information...

While we are after its more elusive counterpart, Syntropy, a function of coherence, relational/transdimensional information, and Consciousness....


Bose and Einstein proposed the Condensate state of matter, and in the 1990's this state was confirmed.

Laboratory work performed at near zero degrees Kelvin was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2001 for this pioneering work...

Because this is the newest state to be confirmed in conventional science, there is still much to be learned, but what we do know helps us to model, and begin to understand the many great mysteries of science...


Bones are the most solid part of the body.

Even after death they continue to be revered in cultures around the world.

They are connected to our spirit...

But how and why?

When my research led me to seek a harmonic or sanctuary frequency that would resonate with the condensate state of matter, the spirit minerals, I experienced a 'Eureka' moment when the effect I was looking for pulled me out of a deep meditative state, as I tested one frequency after another over a period of hours...

The dial on my GS-1 Rife frequency generator read 172, as did the LED readout of the circuit I had made to monitor and confirm the instruments output frequency...

Little did I know the implications that would unfold as I first confirmed the repeatability of the effect at the same frequency of 172 Hz, and then as I began to wonder if any one else had observed this, or anything else unusual about 172 Hz...

Eventually, I found reference to several fascinating connections to this frequency.

By far the most amazing to me was that in ancient times, 172 Hz was the metric standard in China and Tibet during a millenium long period of peace in the Empire...

In the Emperor's Forbidden City, the one thing more precious than the Emperor was this frequency...

Every spring copies were made with one sent to each province to tune the music to...

This is confirmed by archeological evidence showing that note to be the most accurately tuned of all the bells in the orchestra of that period...

But that was not all I found out...

172 Hz is also an octave harmonic of the 26,000 year precession of the equinoxes, also known as the Platonic Year or Great Year.

The great and sometimes catastrophic changes that occur on Earth are associated with the changing quadrants of this great cosmic cycle...

They relate to our relationship with our Milky Way galaxy...

I find it fascinating to consider the potential relationship between our conscious spirit body and the Galactic level of consciousness, since we live in God's body...

You may find it worthy of contemplation that the most extensively repeated test of non-local human to human communication shows that there is just one time of day at which there is no interpersonal communication ability...

That time of day is not found on our solar clocks, but on the galactic clock... at siderial noon, when the galactic center is closest to the zenith, and perhaps phase-locked with our pineal gland which points toward the heavens... at least in many of us.

On autopsy the pineal points either up or down.

Another fascinating fact, since in all other species it points up and is located at the top of the head to receive environmental light.

Only in humans is it buried at the center of the brain, sheltered from direct illumination once the cranial sutures close in childhood.

Humans also carry a remarkable 5% of ALU DNA, a type of DNA only found in much smaller amounts in a few other primates...

Because there is no other history of this DNA developing in Earth species, a leading theory is that it may be extraterrestrial in origin...

It is a type of DNA that facilitates the adaptive evolution of our genetics within our lifetime.

And for perspective, consider that 5% is also about the amount of DNA that codes for our physical bio-body suit...

We really do appear to be royalty of the Heavens... Kings and Queens, each of us, in our sovereignty over this borrowed piece of portable real estate, the body.

Did you know that the term real estate came originally from Royal Estate?

Now, one final piece of this puzzle that emerged from the 172 Hz discovery, is that Calcium, the dominant mineral in our bones, also has an octave harmonic resonance at this frequency.

And modern alchemists observe that the spirit minerals can actually appear and function as Calcium...

When we analyzed Coral Calcium, we found it contained over 5% spirit minerals...

Coral is so similar to bone, that it has been used successfully for bone grafts...

When brain tissue was analyzed, it also contained over 5% spirit minerals by dry weight...

Bone is part of our connective tissue layer of embryological development, which I call the Support System.

The protein matrix of the connective tissue in which all cells live is also very interesting as a solid state component of the body.

Collagen is piezoelectric, so it transduces energetic signals between sound and electromagnetism...

It also serves as a fiber optic cable system, and is linked at the Ceramide/Cholesterol rafts of the cell membrane to the cell's cytoskeleton made of microtubules.

The solid state microtubules also act as fiber optic cables for the mitochondria that often live and move along them...

Their sequestered interiors are proposed as the antennae to the spirit body which is the actual substrate of consciousness.

The linear array of microtubules may determine state dependency of memory, which present time awareness resides in the planar cell membrane.

The stacked planes of living water around healthy cells builds 3-dimensional volume as a capacitor or battery that can potentially run all of cellular metabolism independent of mitochondrial ATP production.

This 3D coherence zone is likely also the locus of the vast processing power of the subconscious, and represents attunement to future potentials, in contrast to the intracellular link to memory, and the nuclear DNA resonance with the past, including inherited states of functional epigenetic adaptation...

DNA is a variable, tunable sending and receiving antenna for coherent biophotons, especially in the high energy Ultraviolet frequency range...

Cells communicate with each other through this photoenergetic regulatory signalling system across thousands of cell layers.

Layers of fascia serve both as electromagnetic insulators and fiber optic signalling systems.

The fascia around organs may be a significant locus of associated emotional information processing...



We live on a water planet... with a mostly liquid surface...

That is, the surface of the earth is mostly covered by bodies of salt water... the oceans...

And the liquid medium of our blood is also an aqueous saline solution known as blood plasma...

The liquid inside our cells is also a plasma... the cytoplasm...

What makes these vital fluids plasmas is that they contain ions...

Ions are charge particles that move according to electromagnetism, and when they do, they can pull the rest of the liquid with them...

In Physics we are taught to think of plasma as an ionized gas, but that state of matter (see below) was named after biological plasmas, because it moves just like living forms do... according to the laws of electromagnetism...

We are taught that water is H2O, and that our bodies are mostly made of water. 

But most of the water in the body is either a plasma like the cytoplasm and the blood plasma, or else it is what we call Living Water, which is a liquid crystal.

Living Water actually has a very different chemical structure than bulk water...

It is (H3O2-)n.

Its pi electrons form a coherence zone that attracts condensates of the transition minerals.

This multi-layered liquid crystal condensate complex may be the substrate of the subconscious information processing system of the immortal spirit body...


We breathe air which we think of as a gaseous state, but in reality it is a dark mode plasma...

The atmosphere is depleted in Oxygen.

Indoor air is often depleted in negative ions, which are drawn off when air moves through metal ducts...

Indoor air may also be contaminated with solvents and volatile organic compounds used in manufacturing building materials and other modern goods present in the building...


Plasma is electromagnetically active matter.

We are taught to think of it as an ionized gas, but it can be an ionized liquid as in the cytoplasm of the cell...

It can be a plasma of electrons in a solid metal material...

It can be molten lava...

In the cosmic and classic sense of this state of matter, as a rarified material, it actually expresses itself in 3 very distinct modes...

Dark mode plasma carries a low enough density of electric current that it does not emit photons... 

Glow mode plasma is energized sufficiently to give off light...

Examples include fire, light bulbs and a visible halo around a saint's head...

The highest energy plasma formation is Arc mode.

Examples include sparks, lightning and the sun...

The form and movement of plasma is scalable from microscopic scale of living organisms to the cosmic scales of the living universe...

That is at least 16 to 23 orders of magnitude... because the fractal mathematics of electromagnetism remain the same across all of those scales.

Plasma currents can be concentrated into electromagnetic whirlwinds called Birkeland currents...

Familiar examples include sunspots, hurricanes, tornados and dust devils...

Inside the body they serve as our model of the direct current meridians of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the additional vessels of German Diagnostic Electroacupuncture, such as Electroacupuncture According to Voll (EAV)...

In spiritual writing and tradition, this type of current took living saints into Heaven...

And the presence of the Creator on Earth, called the Shekinah Glory, is described in the Old Testament scriptures as a pillar of smoke by day and a pillar of fire by night... a powerful Birkeland current in Glow mode.

Plasma moves matter, and it forms shapes called plasma instabilities.

Those forms seen in research were also seen in the Heavens by our ancestors who recorded them around the globe in rock art...

When plasma forms its linear discharges and cellular plasmoids, what we don't see directly is that at every interface and on every fractal scale, there is a double layer, akin to the lipid bilayer in our


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Remedy Match LLC, DBA Healing Oasis

[email protected]

PO Box 126 Hilo, Hawai'i-Kingdom [96721]

+1 (808) 217-9647

[*"The statements herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease."] T.D.C.