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Meridians are the direct current flow channels of extracellular fluid, and biocommunication.

Meridians & Vessels

Meridians and Vessels of Oriental Medicine are the direct current flow channels of extracellular fluid.

These are currents flowing through the connective tissue matrix that is home to every cell.

They carry nutrients, energy and information, as well as removing toxins and wastes that are ionized by the photonic energy content.

The primary systemic DC voltage that runs the Meridian energies comes from the Wood Element polarity between the Liver and the Eyes.

The retina is photovoltaic, generating the most powerful electrical dipole charge of any tissue in the body.

This charge powers up the brain's negative electrical charge, with two thirds of all the electrical nerve current entering the brain coming from the two optic nerves.

The temperature in the brain increases several degrees when we open our eyes in the morning, and it takes a few minutes for the cardiovascular system to respond by increasing cranial circulation enough to restore thermal homeostasis.

In polarity with the electropositive brain, the largest internal organ, the liver, is the most electropositive, so the liver/brain battery is the DC power supply we propose for powering the body's Meridian system.

Looking at the pathways of the Meridians, you can also see that many Meridians begin or end in the surface tissues at the eyes including Bladder, Gall Bladder, Stomach and Triple Warmer Meridians.

Others link to the eyes internally, notably the Liver Meridian which travels directly to the eye via the Optic Nerve.

Additional electrical power comes from the organs and tissues through which each meridian flows.

Pioneering Ophthalmologist (and one of our Mentors) Jerry Tennant, M.D., has mapped out the relationship of the body's muscles as batteries for the Meridians.


(The Kern Meridian Komplex contents of the sample vial used to test for stress in each Meridian is listed in parentheses)

Belt Vessel (Meridian Komplex 15)

The Belt Vessel is the first meridian to form, when the fertilized egg divides into two cells defining the cephalo-caudal dimension of the body.

Bladder Meridian (Meridian Komplex 12)

The Bladder Meridian is a Yang Vessel in the Water Element complementary to the Yin Kidney Meridian.

This pattern is also related to Chakra 2 in the Kern-Pharma system.

Consider Microbiome and Flow Ease for Bladder Meridian support.

Circulation Meridian (Meridian Komplex 10)

The Circulation Meridian is also called the Heart Protector, or the Circulation/Sex Meridian.

The Circulation Meridian is a Yin Vessel in the Fire Element complementary to the Yang Triple Warmer Meridian.

This pattern is also related to Chakras 5 & 7 in the Kern-Pharma system.

Consider Spike Shield and Chelation for Circulation Meridian support.

Conception Vessel (Meridian Komplex 14)

The Yang Conception Vessel on the anterior midline of the body, paired with the Yin Governing Vessel on the posterior midline, are the second set of Meridians to form, when the zygote's cells divide mitotically a second time, defining the axis of bilateral symmetry of the body.

Gall Bladder Meridian (Meridian Komplex 8)

The Gall Bladder Meridian is a Yang Vessel in the Wood Element complementary to the Yin Liver Meridian.

This pattern is also related to Chakras 3, 4 & 7 in the Kern-Pharma system.

Consider TMG Powder and Stone Solvent for Gall Bladder Meridian support.

Governing Vessel (Meridian Komplex 13)

The Yin Governing Vessel Vessel on the posterior midline of the body, paired with the Yang Conception Vessel on the anterior midline, are the second set of Meridians to form, when the zygote's cells divide mitotically a second time, defining the axis of bilateral symmetry of the body.

Heart Meridian (Meridian Komplex 2)

The Heart Meridian is a Yin Vessel in the Fire Element complementary to the Yang Small Intestine Meridian.

This pattern is also related to Chakras 4, 5 & 7 in the Kern-Pharma system.

Consider Heart Health and Rhythm Restore for Heart Meridian support.

Kidney Meridian (Meridian Komplex 11)

The Kidney Meridian is a Yin Vessel in the Water Element complementary to the Yang Bladder Meridian.

This pattern is also related to Chakra 1 in the Kern-Pharma system.

Consider Microbiome and Flow Ease for Kidney Meridian support.

Large Intestine Meridian (Meridian Komplex 5)

The Large Intestine Meridian is a Yang Vessel in the Metal Element complementary to the Yin Lung Meridian.

This pattern is also related to Chakras 1 & 2 in the Kern-Pharma system.

Consider Terrain Restore and Soothe for Large Intestine Meridian support


Liver Meridian (Meridian Komplex 7)

The Liver Meridian is a Yin Vessel in the Wood Element complementary to the Yang Gall Bladder Meridian.

This pattern is also related to Chakras 3 & 6 in the Kern-Pharma system.

Consider Liver Support and Free & Easy for Liver Meridian support.

Lung Meridian (Meridian Komplex 6)

The Lung Meridian is a Yin Vessel in the Metal Element complementary to the Yang Large Intestine Meridian.

This pattern is also related to Chakra 4 in the Kern-Pharma system.

Consider Oxygen Therapy and Lymph Flow for Lung Meridian support.

Small Intestine Meridian (Meridian Komplex 1)

The Small Intestine Meridian is a Yang Vessel in the Fire Element complementary to the Yin Heart Meridian.

This pattern is also related to Chakras 1 & 6 in the Kern-Pharma system.

Consider Microbiome and Terrain Restore for Small Intestine Meridian support.

Spleen Meridian (Meridian Komplex 3)

The Spleen Meridian is a Yin Vessel in the Earth Element complementary to the Yang Stomach Meridian.

In German Diagnostic Electroacupuncture the Spleen Meridian on the right side of the body is termed the Pancreas Meridian.

This pattern is also related to Chakras 2 & 3 in the Kern-Pharma system.

Consider Spleen Support and Glucose Tolerance for Spleen/Pancreas Meridian support.

Stomach Meridian (Meridian Komplex 4)

The Stomach Meridian is a Yang Vessel in the Earth Element complementary to the Yin Spleen Meridian.

Consider GastroZyme, GERD Guard and GI Repair for Stomach Meridian support.

Triple Warmer Meridian (Meridian Komplex 9)

The Triple Warmer Meridian is also called the Triple Cavity, Three Heater, or Triple Burner Meridian, and we also refer to it as the Endocrine Meridian.

The Triple Warmer Meridian is a Yang Vessel in the Fire Element complementary to the Yin Circulation Meridian.

This pattern is also related to Chakra 6 in the Kern-Pharma system.

Consider formulas including Endocrine Repair, Adrenal Repair: Sublingual 7-Keto, Stress Release, and Sleep Synergy for Endocrine Meridian support.


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Remedy Match LLC, DBA Healing Oasis

[email protected]

PO Box 126 Hilo, Hawai'i-Kingdom [96721]

+1 (808) 217-9647

[*"The statements herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease."] T.D.C.