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The Clinical Theory of Everything

Context - Container - Contents - Connections - Communication

Our Meta-Model

Models are our most useful metaphors...

No matter how sophisticated, they are nevertheless our creation stories, if you will...

In the industrial revolution, we began to see the universe as a mechanism like a clock...

In the age of computers, many now think of the analogy of hardware and software to explain Rene Decartes' great divide of body and spirit...

One of our missions in Clinical Theory™ is to bridge that gap by modeling the anatomical and physiological, i.e. structural and functional relationships between the bio-body suit made of 'ordinary' matter, and the immortal spirit body which serves the functions of the mind...

This integrated model is what I and my father before me have called the Minding Body™.

  • A Hypothesis is a Model...

  • A Theory is a Model that works within a certain range of application...

  • No Theory can ever be proven, because it will always be simply a useful metaphor in the mind... a Map of the terrain of reality, not the Terrain itself.  But Maps are very useful when encountering real Terrains.

  • A good Theory can be tested, and therefore it can be falsified...

What is a Meta-Model?

It is a model of how we create our models...

It serves as a template to remind us not to leave out critical elements in our thinking...


By definition, our Meta-Model serves as a context for all of our discrete dimensional models of Clinical Theory...

Context is our key starting point in contemplation of any model and its application in a given situation...

This is critical, because context is so easy to forget...

In the perceptual process of figure/ground, the active attention is on the figure.

The background tends to slip into the subconscious state of awareness.

In fact the more intently we focus on the object of regard, the less we take in of all our senses, and we even become generally less efficient in all of our information processing...

So, when contemplating a given topic, it is important to maintain a relaxed mental posture and a gently held intention to maintain a full spatial and conceptual field of awareness.

One of the most common errors in science and medicine is to forget explicit given states or assumptions in a theoretical model.

Once forgotten, limiting assumptions tend to transform into assumptions of universal applicability of the theory, model, or natural 'law'...

This leads to the common logical error of extrapolition.


The container of a model is the portion of existence that is under direct scrutiny... the figure... our object of interest...

For example if we are contemplating the human creature in the context of creation, we will intend to keep our peripheral awareness open to our location in space and time in the cosmos, as well as to the creative source of the creation.

Maintaining this hierarchical relationship to the greater context will provide opportunities to model the inner workings of the human being that inexorably flow from our material form being composed of star dust interacting through the various states of matter while also hosting our immortal spiritual body that provides life and senscience to its bio-body suit...

This leads to the common logical error of extrapolition...

...Like in 'evidence-based medicine', thinking that evidence from population studies is evidence about the individual at hand...


The contents of the container represent the nouns of our descriptive metaphor... the stuff... the things... the levels of material forms...


Connections within the container represent the verbs of our story... the movement, the changes, the transformations between different forms and appearances...


Communication is the other end of this hierarchical spectrum which is most often forgotten in our age of materialistic thinking...

Communication or consciousness is the capacity of presence of information to transcend across the dimensions of time and space...

In the engineering field of control systems theory, dynamic models that fail to represent the flows of information in the system typically fail... especially if there are any biological entities involved, and most especially if they are as sentient as human beings...

Systems Dynamics

So that's it...

The 5 C's of our Meta-Model.

It's intended to be easy to remember and apply...

In Systems Dynamics modeling, we sometimes draw a diagram to show the 5 C's...


Context = clouds, which represent everything else that is not explicitly inside the model. 


Container = everything else in the model, which together is given a name to identify what we are modeling. For example, when I studied this at Dartmouth's Thayer School of Engineering in 1977, I modeled the spread of a viral epidemic... In 2020, models used to justify shutting down the economy ostensibly to benefit health outcomes failed to include any economic factors that are know contributors to health and disease... Go figure. The result of that negligence is likely to be about a 10 fold increase in morbidity and mortality spread over the next 5 years, mostly affecting younger people, with little or no demonstrable short term benefit. Failing to include quality of life within the model also illustrates the importance of maintaining an awareness of context. Even if living in enforced poverty and isolation could prevent you from catching a cold, it would hardly make it a desirable outcome... 


Contents = rectangles called Levels, labelled to name the type of thing the level of which is potentially measured. When a model is falsified, we prefer to expand our container to include additional contents, and ask "What is it that I am not thinking of?" rather than an all too common conventional approach of adding variables to equations to best fit the data, or making up unobserved (occult, or hidden) dark substances, energies and flows of unknown identity, properties or origin to sustain the accepted creation story... 


Connections = double triangles pointed toward each other, called Rates, and representing the rates of flow from one level to the next along solid lines that pass through the points where the triangles meet.


Communication = dotted lines from levels with arrows pointing to certain rates, representing the dependency of those rates on those levels within the model... Communication can be instantaneous, or can have a time delay in the process.

The diagram above is a simplified generic model of a single anabolic biochemical reaction in the body for illustration purposes.

A more comprehensive model would need to show additional relevant influences such as pH and redox state of the local biophysical terrain.

Consider that there are approximately 75,000 different enzymes in the human body milieu, if we include metabolic, digestive and food enzymes.

A given cell may have about 1300 active enzymes...

You may recall from studying chemistry that enzymes are catalysts... meaning that they speed up the rate of particular chemical reactions.

In electronic terms, they are amplifiers...

Every chemical reaction is a shift in the relationship of electrons with the minerals that make up the biochemistry of the material body.

Those shifts involve quantum photoenergetic changes in each involved electron's energetic state.

The overall shift in bound versus free energy is known as Gibb's free energy of the reaction.

There is also an activation energy needed to form the intermediate state known as the activation complex, which allows the reaction to proceed.

Most enzymes use one or more Vitamins or Minerals as cofactors to provide the local resonance of this required quantum photonic energy.

So, the right cofactors act like tiny lasers tuned to the correct frequency for the enzyme to function efficiently as an amplifier of the biochemical transformation desired.

Consider that there are approximately 3.7x10^22 of these reactions in your body every second...

That's 37,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 reactions!

That corresponds to an average of about a billion reactions in each cell!

Each of these reactions is a quantum photoenergetic event which produces a characteristic energy field.

The energy field of your whole body is the sum of all of these fields.

The scientific term for this field selected by the National Institutes of Health (in the States) is the Biofield.

Your Biofield is in constant communication with your inner and outer quantum energetic environment.

The unique health systems approach of our Clinical Praxis™ tap into this innate biocommunication process, both locally and non-locally, to identify health interventions that produce a coherence response in your Biofield.

The diagnostic side of this practice is called Biofield Analysis™.

The therapeutic aspect is the art and science of producing a sustained state of Biofield Coherence™.

The result is Accelerated Self Healing™.

Clinical Theory of Everything Interview

Professor Rupert Sheldrake of University of Cambridge, questions the dogmatic assumptions of scientism:


© Copyclaim 2023

Remedy Match LLC, DBA Healing Oasis

[email protected]

PO Box 126 Hilo, Hawai'i-Kingdom [96721]

+1 (808) 217-9647

[*"The statements herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease."] T.D.C.